06 Months / 03 Months
The CISA Review Manual is a comprehensive reference guide designed to help individuals
prepare for the CISA exam and understand the roles and responsibilities of an information
systems (IS) auditor. The manual has been prepared according to the 2016 CISA Job practice
and represents the most current, comprehensive, peer-reviewed IS audit, assurance, security
and control resource available worldwide.
- The Process of Auditing Information Systems
- Governance and Management of IT
- Information Systems Acquisition, Development and Implementation
- Information Systems Operations, Maintenance and Service Management
- Protection of Information Asset
- A map of the relationship of each task to the knowledge statements
- References to specific content in section two for each knowledge statement
- Self-assessment questions and explanations of the answers
- Suggested resources for further study
Target group
Students, Unemployed and Individuals
interested in IT/ICT career.