Hardware & Networking


06 Months / 03 Months


Identify Major Hardware. To know Devices in a Computer. Describes the factors involved

in choosing a network adapter, Hub, switch and Router. Identify Problems associated with

connective Hardware.


  1. PS spec & Assembling.
  2. trouble Shooting.
  3. UPS Servicing, Networking.
  4. Work with USB PORT
  5. PCMIA
  6. Verity of Ethernet network Adapter
  7. How to choose a right HUB?
  8. VLANs Network Configure
  9. Switches: High layer Switch, Full duplex Switch
  10. Bridges Setup
  11. How to Configure Routers
  12. Power Supply maintenance

Target group

Students, Unemployed and Individuals
interested in IT/ICT career.