Search engine Optimization (SEO)


06 Months / 03 Months


Search engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of enhancing the visibility of an individual website
or WebPages. SEO proves to be an effective‘s strategy for marketing online. It is Pretty much obvious

that if the website process a higher point & visibility in search engineer for different keywords than it

will receive far more visitors as a result generate more revenue for the particular business or services


  1. Competitor analysis & website
  2. Audit
  3. SMM
  4. Orientation on job portal
  5. Basic ideas on Outsourcing
  6. Profile creation
  7. Formal bid writing
  8. Up-gradation of profile
  9. Assessing buyers profile
  10. Reporting and formation
  11. Freelancing Gride
  12. Practical work session
  13. Keyword Research
  14. Social Media Marketing
  15. Social Bookmarking
  16. Link Builders
  17. Article Writing
  18. Blog Comments
  19. Web Master Tolls
  20. Penalty Recovery
  21. Freelancing Guide

Target group

Students, Unemployed and Individuals
interested in IT/ICT career.